Other Stuff

EcoComplete (black) - $30

Shrimplab "Shrimpball Cuisine" - 30g - $11.00

Almond Leaves (medicinal) - $.50 each/ $20(50 pcs)
Simulate black water condition which is the natural environment for the tropical fish. Enhance fertility of fishes. Contain humic acids and tannins which have anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties. Contains chemical that will bind with ammonia in the water. Contains calcium needed to activate the muscles and to develop strong bones, teeth and scales. Enhances the natural color of the fish. Lowers the pH of the water and absorbs harmful chemicals. Adds essential trace elements to the water. Recommended for all fresh water fishes kept in small containers without filters, specially during transportation. Dosage: Put one leaf in a 10 - 15 gallon tank. Discard the leaf after 1 week and replace with a new leaf.

Current Stock - Plants

This is what we have currently in the way of plants (photos are going up soon).

All plants are $3.00 and are currently in pots.

Amazon Sword
Reineckii Rosefolia
Reineckii (small leaves)
Water Sprite
Ammania sp Bonzai
Hygrophylia Corymbosa
Hygrophylia Angustifolia
Echindorus Parviflorus
Echindorus Cordifolios "Marble Queen"
Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Crypticorn Parva
Crypticorn Undulada

and there are more that are unlabeled (but look awesome)

Current Stock - Fish

  • Striped Dwarf Catfish - $6
  • Painted Fire Shrimp -
  • Whitecloud Minnows - $1
  • Blue Rainbow - $15 (L)
  • Golden Bee Shrimp ($25/3)
  • Tiger Shrimp ($25/10)
  • Penguin Tetra (L) - $2.50
  • Gold Rams (L) - $7.00
  • German Blue Rams (L) - $7.00
  • Ballon Rams (L) - $7.00
  • Bosemani Rainbows (M) - $9.00
  • Danio Kyathit (orange fin) - $2.50
  • Sterbai Cories (M/L) - $5.00
  • Bronze Cories (M) - $3.00
  • Indian Almond Leaves (medicinal) - $.40
  • Amano Shrimp - $2.50
  • Cardinals (L) - $2.50
  • Otto (algae eaters) - $2.50
  • Metae Cory (wild caught, L) - $5.00
  • Skunk Cory (M) - $5.00

Monday, January 26, 2009

New stock in by the end of the week

I will be bringing some new stock on Thursday. Currently I am looking at Crystal Red Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, a couple of pairs of Longfin Blue Rams and I`m trying to decide between the Furcata Rainbows (bottom) or the Bosemani Rainbows (top)

If you have a preference please let me know.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fish are good to go!

I have lifted the quarantine on all the new stock. Everyone looks amazing and is available for purchase.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have been wondering what it is that I can do that no one else is, basically looking for the niche that can make this little endevour a huge success.

I am starting to put together a variety of hardy, low tech and low light plants that can grow in almost all conditions unless of course the fish eat them.

I am currently trying a variety of techniques, conditions and plant types. Hang in there you plastic plant people there may be some real plants out there for you yet!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Stock in and it looks great!

One of the cool thing about bringing in fish for other people is the chance to see fish you may not normally be drawn to or have kept in the past. I instantly fell for the Dwarf Rainbows - a very cool little fish with amazing colours. The clown loaches look fantastic swimming around in a group of 8 or so - very distinguished and pure characters.

I have also brought in some fish that are fantastic for getting rid of algae. I was introduced to American Flagfish (a type if Killifish) a couple of years ago when I had a massive attack of algae, I was literally pulling the stuff out of my 72 gallon by the handful. I bought a group of these guys and in 3 days the algae was gone. They would sit there and pull the algae apart strand by strand eating it all! I also have some classic algae devours SAEs aka Siamese Algae Eaters. These are the real things not the Chinese Algae Eaters that are 1) not good algae eaters and 2) can get mean. Another algae eaters currently in my tanks are the Endlers. I had a small amount of green algae growing in the moss in my shrimp tank and after adding the endlers to the tank they did it in in short time.

I have also brought in 8 oz packs of frozen blood worms. They are for sale for $8.00

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Stock

There will be a new order of fish coming in on Thursday, I will be posting a new stock list by the end of the week. I will be quarantining these guys for a week but you can let me know what you want before then.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some Driftwood for sale

I have some pieces for sale. They have all been soaked for about 1 month to remove the tannins as well, they all sink. All pieces are $18.00

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Fish Room

For those of you that are interested here is a journal of the building of the newest part of my fish room. I will be updating it as I have made some changes but here is a good idea of what I have started with. bcaquaria journals

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Great Aquaruim Book

I picked this up over Christmas and have gone through it cover to cover - very informative. I picked it up off of Amazon.ca for $17.61

Here is the official description

This lavishly photo-filled volume demonstrates that having an aquarium to be proud of means much more than keeping fish in a glass tank. The aquarium enthusiast who takes his hobby seriously reproduces a part of the aquatic natural environment in miniature inside his home. Author Peter Hiscock offers practical instructions on setting up a freshwater tropical aquarium. He describes substrate, aquarium plants, and appropriate combinations of fish. Much of this book focuses on fish and plant life in nature, and then offers details on replicating natural settings in the aquarium. Both plants and fish varieties are shown in vivid color photos and described in detail. More than 450 color photos and illustrations.

Good Aquarium Book

I grabbed this book at Christmas time off of Amazon.ca Very good for a serious hobbyist or someone that wants to educate themselves about fish and their natural environments.

Here is the

My German Blue Rams are spawning

Lots going on these days. Seems that a pair of my Blue Rams is in the process of spawning right now. It is a 72 g community tank so the chances of survival are slim but it is still exciting.

Update: the Keyholes ate their eggs an hour ago. They are young so it is to be expected.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Keyholes have spawned

I have nursed a group of Keyholes back to health and it seems that they can now be considered very healthy. One pair has spawned for the 2nd time in as many weeks. The first batch of eggs were eaten as I had to disturb the tank quite often to medicate, etc. Now the pair has their own 20 gallon - hopefully we will see wrigglers soon.

My Fishy Friends 2009

I have always been fascinated with natural world. I believe that the fish hobby has a lot to teach us and I hope to bring the basics of the hobby to the Fraser Valley. I started keeping fish as a kid. My dad was an avid hobbyist and the life lessons that I learned at an early age from the keeping and rearing of living creatures sticks with me to this day.

I now have 2 little boys and hope to instill the awe and wonder of real life ecosystems in our home. I also want others to enjoy and benefit from this hobby. I hope to provide both plants, fish and upkeep basics to the hobbyists here in Mission and the surrounding areas.

I can bring in almost all types of fish and plants as well as certain high quality foods both frozen and dry.